Past Events 2018 - 2019
June 2019
Service: City Heights Youth Soccer Tournament
We were lucky enough to participate in this awesome event for the second year in a row! A big thank you to all of the players, coaches, families, and volunteers who attended the City Heights Youth Soccer Tournament this weekend. City Heights Rotaract is proud to have helped put on this event with the tournament organizers and San Diego Rotary Club 33!

May 2019
Fellowship: Cinco de Mayo Celebration
Our members had so much fun celebrating Cinco de Mayo in Old Town! They spent the day enjoying delicious food, drinks, musical performances, and art.

April 2019
Service: Creek to Bay Cleanup
City Heights Rotaract Club joined with the community yesterday to help clean up Auburn Creek as part of the Creek to Bay Clean Up! Thanks to all who volunteered to help clean and maintain our waterways.

April 2019
Fellowship: Cosmic Bowling
Our members had a great time bowling with friends and family!

March 2019
Service: Ocean Discovery Institute
City Heights Rotaract Club was able to tour Ocean Discovery Institute's new facility and help out with some projects in their Living Roof Garden. Thanks to everyone who came to help at their beautiful new site!

March 2019
Fellowship: Arcade Night
Our members played games and socialized at a local North Park game bar!

February 2019
Fellowship and Service: Valentines Day Cards for Monarch School
City Heights Rotaract made some Valentine’s Day cards this Tuesday for the Monarch School!
Monarch School has served San Diego for nearly 3 decades, beginning as a one room education center and expanding into a K-12 comprehensive school designed to educate homeless youth. We were so glad to partner with them at this event!

January 2019
Fellowship: Ice Skating
Our members had a great time ice skating at the Kroc Center. We all survived with only a few falls!

January 2019
Service: Park Beautification
The City Heights Rotaract Club rolled up their sleeves for a park beautification project this morning. Our members painted benches and removed litter at the Officer Jeremy Henwood Memorial Park. At the end of our project, our park shined a little brighter!

December 2018
White Elephant Gift Exchange and Holiday Party
Our members got together to celebrate the holidays as a club! We had a fun night laughing and opening presents together.

December 2018
Service: YMCA Holiday Party
Our members wrapped toys the weekend before this event where we gave away toys and gifts to children in the City Heights and helped with holiday activities for them and their families.

November 2018
Fellowship: Friendsgiving
We are so grateful to have such amazing members! Thank you to everyone who participated in this year's Friendsgiving, especially our wonderful host Paul Nestor. We wished everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and wonderful start to the holidays!

November 2018
Service: Ride the Point
Our members woke up bright and early and volunteered at Ride the Point for the fourth year in a row. Our efforts contribute to Point Loma Rotary’s ability to donate specifically targeted funds to the great oncologists at Moore's, who are working every day to defeat pancreatic cancer. These funds and our hard work are really making an impact!

October 2018
Fellowship: Halloween Taco Tuesday Dinner
Our Rotaractors gathered for a meal in Old Town to celebrate Halloween with a Taco Tuesday social! Members shared a meal and after visited the Whaley House Museum and took a stroll through the historic neighborhood!

October 2018
Service: City Heights Dia De Los Muertos Community Festival
Our members helped put on our community's annual Dia De Los Muertos Celebration. Our members woke up early to help set up the stage, canopies, and run the face painting station at the event. Helping put this celebration together is particularly special because it is organized by long time community leaders. We are grateful for those organizations and leaders who make this event possible including Hermelinda Figueroa, SAY San Diego, City Heights Business Association, City Heights Park and Rec, The City Heights Library, Fern Street, Performance Annex, and many many more.

October 2018
International Service: Project Mercy Tijuana Home Build
Our members joined the Hoover football team, Alumni Association, and staff in beautifying the campus in preparation to the next school year! This is the fourth year in a row we have participated on this important project!

September 2018
Fellowship and Fundraising: Social Ride
We partnered with the City Heights CDC and the San Diego Bike Coalition to learn about bike safety while raising money for our club! We had a great time learning about bike safety and biking around North Park. We ended this combined fellowship and fundraising in the best way -- over bowls of ramen!

September 2018
Service: Coastal Clean Up Day
For the second year, City Heights Rotaract joined Hoover Highs Cardinals Interact in beautifying Swan Canyon, one of four community canyons. Our environmental stewardship will help our community enjoy these open spaces for years to come.

August 2018
Fellowship: End of Summer Bonfire
Our Rotaractors gathered for the third year in a row to reminisce about summer and enjoy a night out by the water while enjoying s'mores and delicious Banh Mi sandwiches. Getting together at De Anza Cove has become a great tradition for our members!

August 2018
Service: Hoover Beautification Day with Hoover Alumni Association
Our members joined the Hoover football team, Alumni Association, and staff in beautifying the campus in preparation to the next school year! This is the fourth year in a row we have participated on this important project!

July 2018
Fellowship: Summer Kick-Off
Rotaractors kicked off the summer with a close knit fellowship event at Mission Beach!

July 2018
Service: Canyon Connection Cleanup
Members joined San Diego Canyonlands and Ocean Discovery Institute at their Canyon Connections event. Members were able to get an educational tour of the canyon as well as participate in the mini restoration project.